Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First week of Understanting the Customer

I've just started thinking about my own perception. How did I interpret all new informations, and how wrong I was? I'll try to understand perception, and discover what impact for our lives it really has.


The picture of the world around us is changing very quickly. As we know, media have a vast impact on the information flow and the shape of the image exposed to people every day through television, radio, newspapers and Internet.

In short we are instantly given up the temptation, to see and hear what we wish to.

I hate beginnings! As well as it is hard to start new blog chapter, organising live in completly foreign place is extreme challenge for all of us. Everything is new for me: language, people, flat, uni; and I've just started thinking about my own perception. How did I interpret all new informations, and how wrong I was? I'll try to understand perception, and discover what impact for our lives it really has.

Perception; rich Wikipedia definition:

In philosophy, psychology , and the cognitive sciences, perception is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information. It is a task far more complex than was imagined in the 1950s and 1960s, when it was predicted that building perceiving machines would take about a decade, a goal which is still very far from fruition. The word comes from the Latin words perceptio, percipio, and means "receiving, collecting, action of taking possession, apprehension with the mind or senses."[1]
Perception is one of the oldest fields in psychology. The oldest quantitative law in psychology is the Weber-Fechner law, which quantifies the relationship between the intensity of physical stimuli and their perceptual effects. The study of perception gave rise to the Gestalt school of psychology, with its emphasis on holistic approach.
What one perceives is a result of interplays between past experiences, including one’s culture, and the interpretation of the perceived. If the percept does not have support in any of these perceptual bases it is unlikely to rise above perceptual threshold.

,,Perception is about changing the way people see things ,,


The perceptual process is a sequence of steps that begins with the environment and leads to our perception of a stimulus and an action in response to the stimulus.


So, the perceptual process involved when we go outside from a room with no windows on a rainy day is that the simulus from the environment - the fact that it is raining and cold and we are getting wet - is recognised by our senses. Our eyes, ears, cold receptors and touch receptors all send signals to the brain, which works out that its raining.The cognitive process within the brain then comes up with the decision to go back inside and pick up a coat and an umbrella before we set out again. This is our response to the stimulus.

How advertisers attempt to appeal to our 5 senses ?

Advertising uses various means of persuasion to convince the recipient to purchase a product or service. In practice for persuasion the most vulnerable are our senses.

It would seem that the most important is for us a TV commercial. Why? Because in it we can see the video, audio, and even get the smell and the carefully prepared and tasty dishes. But more and more ads are beginning to emerge, in which sound, namely the music itself can bring in the mood so amazing that words are no longer needed here. A perfect example of this is the latest spot Max Factor "Miracle Touch"

and Guinness



Ruth Hickmott said...

What a lot of hard work. Thought your you tube clips were very well chosen

Damian said...

I love the cat :D

Ruth Hickmott said...

Time to do lots of hard work on this or you will never catch up. I need to see at least 3 posts by next friday and at least 10 by the end of Guided Reading Week