Saturday, April 24, 2010

Final reflection of blogging

When we were creating this blog in the beggining of the year, I did’t know what to expect.

Of course as a teenager I had many of them (but after few weeks I was forgetting about every single one), but I could not understand how could it help me with studying? A very important part of blogging is the fact that we write in first person - which is prohibited in other writing assigments. When we do our blogs, we feel that someone is interested in our opinion and the way we perceive lectures.

During doing blog, we also have time to explore the network in search of interesting materials( to help us understand the newly learned information, concepts and theories),

Besides spending a lot of time on sites like youtube, can help us to feel the passion in what we do. Sometimes when I was looking for useful adverts, videos, pictures, I’ve been finding amazing examples, with a great fun.

Creating new posts was extremely helpful in the consolidation and assimilation of new information.

In addition, blogs enable us to share out work with other students.
We can send you useful links, articles, which is very refreshing because it allows you to look at the topic from a completely new perspective.

In conclusion blogs are ideal for students who do not like to spend long hours in the library among the books;
and they prove that Buck New Uni moves with the times to suits the students'

expectations and needs.