Thursday, April 29, 2010

First impression!

I am unique! That is the information, I've heard on our first seminar. I usually hate beginnings. As well as it is hard to start new blog chapter, organising live in completly foreign place is extreme challenge for all of us. Everything is new for me: language, people, flat, university.

But it will be a challenge which, I hope I will not regret, and I want to take get as many positives as possible.

Being in new group - especially group of peers, allows us also to know ourselves better. Everyone wants to have a good impression at the beginning, but during activities, lunches or events, we will know our true faces. I am already looking forward to compare my first impression with reality after 6 months.

I love to be around people who make me laugh! And I hope I'll find those here too!

One of the biggest surprises for me was the relation between tutors and students. In Poland there is a huge gap between them and their relationships are not even 'warm'.

Here we call our tutors by name, and we can ask for help. For me, it was something not quite expected, and I have to admit that switching to this mode, will not be easy for me!